Viruses like HIV and herpes are fragile, meaning they dont survive very well outside of a nice, warm human body. By the time you sit down on a public toilet seat - even if it was recently shared by someone else — most harmful pathogens likely wouldnt be able to infect you.艾滋病病毒和疱疹病毒这类病毒非常脆弱,这意味着它们无法在温暖且宜于生存的人体之外的地方正常生存。当你坐上公用的坐便器(即使是刚有别人使用过的)时,大部分此类有害病原体无法感染你。
If you wash your hands regularly throughout the day, hand sanitizer is almost entirely unnecessary. Plus, it cant kill all the germs that plain old soap and water can.如果你每天经常洗手,那么几乎没必要使用洗手液。而且洗手液并不能杀死普通香皂和水能杀死的全部细菌。
The practice of ear candling - yes, ear candling - involves putting a lit, cone-shaped candle inside your ear. People who do it say its helpful for relieving earwax and treating some infections. According to the Mayo Clinic, not so much.耳烛疗法就是把点燃的锥形蜡烛伸进耳朵里。耳烛疗者认为这样有助于去除耳垢,治疗某些感染。据梅约疗养院(注:美国著名私人医院)称,耳烛疗法其实没有这么多疗效。
Unless youre one of the 1% of Americans who suffer from celiac disease, gluten probably wont have a negative effect on you. In fact, studies show that most people suffer from slight bloating and gas when they eat, whether they consume wheat or not. So go ahead and eat that bagel.除非你是百分之一的美国腹腔疾病患者中的一员,否则谷蛋白可能不会影响你的健康。事实上,研究表明,大多数人进食时都有轻微的胃胀气,无论是否吃了小麦。所以放心地吃面包圈吧。
When you juice fresh fruits and veggies, you remove all of their fiber, the key ingredient that keeps you feeling full and satisfied until your next meal.把水果和蔬菜榨汁会破坏果蔬纤维,这是制造饱腹感且让你撑到下顿饭的关键成分。
Monosodium glutamate is an ingredient added to many foods to enhance their flavor. Its completely safe to ingest.
No one needs to detox. Unless youve been poisoned, you already have a superefficient system for filtering out most of the harmful substances you eat. Its made up of two toxin-bashing organs: the liver and the kidneys.没有人需要排毒,除非你中毒了。肝脏和肾脏是净化毒素的两大器官,它们已经可以高效过滤人体摄入的大部分有害物质。
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